色光美容療程 首次試做$200
色光針穴美容療程乃德國自然療法師彼得 .曼戴爾博士( peter mandel) 於七0年代開始發展出的一種特殊的色光針穴治療法,將顏色及光(七種基本可見光 : 紅 橙 黃 綠 藍 碇 紫 ) 和傳統中國經穴學相互整合所發展出來的一套護膚 , 美容 , 保健自然療法 . 利用特殊的光筆將色光不同頻率的振動照射在皮膚的穴道或特殊部位 , 透過皮膚傳遞至各個穴位 , 再藉由經絡系統繼續運送到個別細胞中 , 直達深層肌膚細胞 , 修復細胞膜分子排序 , 調衡物質進出 , 令細胞重新 , 從而達至 : 促進肌膚細胞新陳代謝 , 激發膠原及彈性纖維複製 , 加速血液及淋巴系統循環 , 激化細胞產生修復酵素 .
色光針穴美容療程是將臉部劃分成數個小區域,分別照射以適當的顏色,這些區域是根據反射區和穴道的分布來劃分的。首先用青綠色和皮膚原色的光線照射眉心,接著把分成力量、精神和寧靜三區的額頭分別照射以紅、黃、藍三色,上唇三色,上唇鼻翼和鼻梁部位照射青綠色 . 接下來一一在上下眼瞼,上唇部、面頰、下巴、外耳邊緣,以及耳垂照射適當的顏色,此舉有助於恢復身體陰陽兩極的平衡。
我 Target 隻腳不小心扭傷了, 我就是用了藍色光和按摩幫佢治療結果一星期就康復了.
Color Therapy
Color can be applied in many ways includingusing colored
lenses and color infusedessences. Here are someguidelines
how colors can helpour animals and ourselves.
how colors can helpour animals and ourselves.
Rainbow-includes all the colors to provide a balance of the
entire system to help calm and especially helpful for stress or trauma
Individual colors below can be used to target specific
problem areas:
Violet - Spiritual frequencies can build the spleen,
detoxify, purify and promote emotionalreleases,
offers connection beyond the physical plane.
Tumors/ Cysts
Blue - Cool, soothing frequencies aid meditation,
help with insomnia & hypertension, antifungal,
antibacterial & antiviral properties can fight infection
& fever. Insomnia/ Meditation
Turquoise - Calm frequencies unify to benefit the
Turquoise - Calm frequencies unify to benefit the
immune system , skin conditions, thyroid andlungs,
offers a senseof safety and protectionduring stress.
Skin Conditions / Immune / Thyroid
Green - Helps balance and provide a sense of well
being and peace,supporting joints,heart conditions,
the nervous system, vision, blood sugar and elimination.
Liver/ Gallbladder/ Blood Sugar
Yellow - Can strengthen the immune & endocrine systems,
Yellow - Can strengthen the immune & endocrine systems,
dry out infections, calm indigestion,plus flush and drain the lymphatic system. Detoxification / Lymphatics
Orange - Lively frequencies offer hormonalbalance,
healthy metabolism and a joyful enthusiasm while
relieving respiratory congestion and adrenal / kidney weakness.Hormonal/ Depression
Red - Deeply penetrates tissue & skeletal structure to
bubble up chronic conditions, relieve pain and strengthen
the entire system. Pain/ Adrenals